Norddeutsche Trompetentage 2015
15. - 20. Nov 2015 | Landesmusikakademie Niedersachsen - Wolfenbüttel
We are sorry to inform you that the Trompetentage has been cancelled. As you all may know, the situation in Germany regarding refugees is a big issue at the moment. Due to this, the mayor of Wolfenbüttel has decided to house refugees in the Youth Guest House starting this week. All reservations have been cancelled for the next year. We are very surprised about this sudden decision and very sad that we have to cancel the whole masterclass.
We are aware of the fact that you were all looking forward to the Trompetentage and had to organise a lot to come to Wolfenbüttel. We are very sorry about the inconvenience this has caused, but we don’t have any influence over these kinds of decisions from the ministry.
We hope that you all understand our situation, and we hope to see you all at the next Norddeutsche Trompetentage!